May 2024 Review

For the latest entry into my Roulette Reviews channel, we have yet another television show! This time it’s Invincible, the series adapting the comic series of the same name from Robert Kirkman. I have my fair share of qualms with the show, but almost none of them stem from the direction the story takes or how Invincible’s show-runners have chose to translate page to screen.

I think it’s an incredibly faithful adaptation that really nails the essence of what makes the comics so special. I would know, after all, because I read ALL OF THEM in the incredibly-too-long-hiatus between the first and second halves of season two. But, in spite of my claims calling it faithful, I spend most of the review talking about what is different between the show and its source material. Specifically, I highlight how some changes the show makes serve only to enhance the story that’s unfolding before us. Things like Donald being expanded upon, the reshuffling of the ReAnimen arc, and Mark’s time alone in the season finale all are very deliberate, intentional choices that I feel make the surpass its equivalent comic issues.

Now, I certainly take issue with the release schedule, and the animation “quality” that rampant throughout the series, but since I am a writer, I am willing to give that stuff somewhat of a pass when I see good writing. On top of that, it’s refreshing to see a creator like Kirkman get a chance to take a second pass at one of his most well-known works and actually use that opportunity to make it better in visible ways. Contrast this to what I felt was going on in the Disney Plus series for Percy Jackson And The Olympians, and it’s night and day. It is not every day we get the opportunity to learn from and correct our mistakes for the benefit of those who support us, so I appreciate when those opportunities are utilized to their fullest. Check it out here!

Here’s hoping the animation gets an upgrade in season three, though. That, and the release schedule isn’t so drawn out...


June 2024 Review


May 2024 Writing Update