February 2024 Review

Here again, this time with the first true review post for 2024. How exciting! This one will be a bit shorter, as this is a somewhat shorter review, at least by my standards. In the pilot month of 2024, I review a pilot episode, sort of like how I did for 2023. Is this a trend now? Or a pattern of mine? Guess we’ll find out in 2025 when I am yet again without a recently-released film in theaters for me to sink my teeth into (and let it sink into my brain).

For now, though, you’re stuck with my thoughts on the first episode of True Detective Season 4: Night Country. Here, I talk about what the season opener felt like for a first time viewer, and what sort of watching behavior True Detective’s stellar reputation had instilled in me as I sat down and watched the HBO logo fade in. Prior seasons of the show, as well as the pilot episode’s actual reception, had me intently focused and seeking out every little detail. I was dialed in, trying to solve this crime as hard as I’d tried for any other fictional crime I’d experienced in the past.

I also talk about the Jodie Foster interview (or, more specifically, the Jodie Foster clickbait that lead me to the Jodie Foster interview) that made me aware of this season’s existence and reception in the first place. So I guess I review written media for the first time on the channel. What a fun milestone to start the year out on! So, check this out if you’re a fan of the show, have heard of it, enjoy a good mystery, or enjoy me talking about a good mystery and haven’t gotten enough of a fix from my channel already. Though I’m not sure how that’s possible at all.


February 2024 Writing update


January 2024 writing update